If it has web, design, sales, automation, brand, productivity, marketing or product in the name — then I’ve most likely done it before.
Clients love to work with me for my deep and broad understanding of all digital. I'm consulting and helping my clients achieve their fullest potential.
My end-goal is to add value to your business by optimizing workflow, utilizing smarter decisions and leveraging new technologies and tools.
From strategy direction and brand awareness to digital marketing, smart design and developing online sales solutions — I've got a long history doing ecomm. I'm looking for medium to long term business relationships.
I help small to medium size businesses get noticed, attract more customers, build loyalty, command higher prices. From high converting landing pages to custom designed websites.
Humans are creative thinkers, machines are best at repetitive tasks. Whether it’s email marketing automation, data harvesting or excel formulas — spend more time on tasks you excell at. Automate non value adding activities.
Sometimes your business needs a second opinion to make the right choices. They say time is money, but in reality you can never get lost time back — make sure you are making informed decisions.
Horeca, Ecommerce, Marketing
Launched at the beginning of the Corona lockdown, Steakshop.si was a success from the get go. Run by the restaurant Stari Pisker in downtown Celje they are a well known steahouse.
www.steakshop.siEducation, Web
With over 200 years of history I. gimnazija v Celju is the high school to go. Old website was lacking in several aspects and was getting old.
www.prvagim.siEcommerce, marketing
We started small, but then quickly continued with email marketing, automated multi-step responses, marketing material and UX improvements.
www.plahtica.siHealth, Web
Implants4life are renowned for experienced implant dentists offering competitive dental implant costs without compromising on the quality of care.
www.implants4life.euWith a focus on reliability, I develop digital and web products to foster the growth of your business.
RecommendationsS podjetjem Davida Augustina sodelujemo že več let. Njegovo znanje na področju spletnega marketinga in ustvarjanja spletnih strani presega marsikatero znanje starejših oblikovalcev spletne strani.
Kar je največ vredno pri Davidu je njegova pripravljenost za sodelovanje, iskanje novih rešitev in pomoč po telefonu. Vedno je pripravljen pomagati, hitro najde rešitev in jo tudi izvede. David je oseba, ki ji lahko zaupaš, da bo projekt speljala do konca in se potrudi po najboljših očeh poiskati cenovno in časovno ugodno rešitev.
Njegovo znanje je širokega spektra, zato smo veseli nadaljnega sodelovanja z njim.
Odlično svetovanje in idejna zasnova pred izvedbo projekta. Med izdelavo strani izjemna odzivnost in komunikacija za spremembe in dodatne želje našega podjetja.
Z Davidom smo zelo zadovoljni. Ima ogromno znanja in izkušenj s področja spletnih rešitev.
Poleg tega pa je izjemno odziven in dobro svetuje ko nastopijo težave na spletu. Z njim uspešno sodelujemo že več let.
David izvrstno opravlja naročene storitve in sicer iz stališča celotnega pričakovanja naročnika z vključevanjem sodobnih načinov in spremljanja trenutnih trendov.
Zelo nam je tudi pomembno, da smo deležni po-prodajnega servisa s strani izvajalca, kajti na strani uporabnika se vedno pojavljajo dodatna vprašanja in zahteve po dodatnih pojasnilih.
I charge most of my work per project so you know exactly how much it will cost in advance — that way you won't second guess the billable hours and I'm rewarded for getting the job done quick.
Usually I'll propose a few options that vary in scope and price so you can decide what's best for you.
Let's find out if we are a good fit!